Air Koryo VA

Based in: North Korea
Balance: 1.299.603.124v$
Reputation: 120 of 120
Pilot salary: 75% of VA-income
Airline statusActive

Airline Mission

Air Koryo VA - bringing Juche to your city!

Our Airline believes that the customer comes first. At least in most cases. Trust us, the customer is right up there in the top five things we are mostly focused on. Just after Great Leader, Dear Leader and Respected Leader. The last, fifth thing, remains secret.
Our Airline know that we suck less than our competitors and much less than Google reviews say about us.
Our Airline's ultimate mission is to not execute a major fu*k up that can be traced back to one of our Leaders. We'll blame our CEO instead.

Yeah, screw you, CEO, you capitalist puppet!

Flight Activity

Last 5 flights

From To Arrival PAX A/C Dist. PIC Rating Income
EFHKEPWAOct 23, 21:10160B738508nmSobi Wan100%3.313.800v$
EPWAEFHKOct 21, 19:51160B738508nmSobi Wan100%3.739.800v$
EFHKEPWASep 30, 21:49160B738508nmSobi Wan100%3.427.500v$
EPWAEFHKSep 29, 15:14160B738508nmSobi Wan100%3.970.800v$
EFROEPWAAug 23, 22:05160B738877nmSobi Wan100%3.784.200v$


Pilot ID Name VA Rank Location Last Active
KOR_001Sobi WCEOChopinOct 23, 22:01

